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Whoever Said It

Whoever Said It
Nr kat.: DFL005
Format: 7"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 9,90 zł
61.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Whoever Said It (Pt. 1).mp3
  • b1 Whoever Said It (Pt. 2).mp3


Repress from certified dancefloor weapon by Alonzo Turner "Whoever Said It?" 

Released on a 7" with a part 1 & 2, this record has been played on dancefloors worldwide by such players as Rahaan, Sadar Bahar and more, with those selectors favouring the part 2 in the most euphoric moments with that incredible vocal half way through. The record has remained hard to come by for most, and now out there as an affordable and great sounding reissue !



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