Porywający głos niedawno zmarłej brooklyńskiej mistrzyni gospelu po raz 1. na singlu. Zresztą oryginalne wydanie na LP kosztuje górę $. Najpierw funkowy crossover, a na stronie B soulowe uniesienie w wolnym tempie.
On Discs Of Fun & Love's fourth release, the crate-digging imprint has dipped its toes into the wonderful world of gospel for the very first time. The songs are taken from Rubenstein "Ruby" McClure's notoriously hard to find sole solo album, "Rubenstein", and their reissue is sadly given extra weight by the recent news that "Mother" McClure passed away in July. A-side "Joy" more than lives up to its' title, offering an uplifting slab of gospel-soul perfection topped off with a sublime lead vocal from McClure. Bandleader Fletcher Washington handles lead vocals on the soulful brilliance of gospel-blues flipside "Somehow (Make a Way)", a track that's every bit as essential as the "A".