Hipnotyzujący, karaibski jazz-funk od fińskiego perkusisty. Na odwrocie zabarwiony elektronicznymi efektami boom-bapowy dub, co brzmi jak figlarna wersja jakiejś filmowej kompozycji z lat 70.
Two years on from his last outing under the alias, Finnish drummer-producer Teppo Makynen dons the Stance Brothers guise for a typically on-point outing. Both cuts are freshly re-imagined takes on "Resolution Blue", a joint Makynen/Timo Lassy production first featured on the pair's 2018 collaborative album on We Jazz Records. The A-side rendition naturally features killer beats from Makynen, as well as a low-slung, Afro-funk influenced bassline and fluid vibraphone solos. Over on side B, "Where Is Resolution Blue" once again pushes the "vibes" to the fore, though the analogue synth-sporting groove that sits below is altogether smoother, jauntier and seemingly recorded with crushed velvet smoking jackets and smoky lounge clubs in mind. It's the kind of thing that fellow Finn Jimi Tenor once excelled at.