The album Nobody's Husband, Nobody's Dad is the first entirely solo work of UK-based percussionist Maurizio Ravalico, and it represents a nodal episode in his artistic development. The music on the album is entirely acoustic and live played, with no overdubs added to the initial takes. These have all been slightly edited to different degrees, mainly to fit them into the time limitations of vinyl; but other than that all tracks are faithful reproductions of single, acoustic, uninterrupted one-man performances.
Another distinctive musical trait of the album is a presistent denial of metric recurrence. Maurizio's solo music is focusing on sounds, often generated by unexpected combinations of conventional instruments and found objects, both played using a mix of orthodox and extended techniques, and often on top of a big drum, which augments dramatically their timbrical and tonal range. The finished pieces recall thus the aesthetics of both contemporary and improvised music, despite them being neither strictly composed nor at all improvised.
Companion to the album is A Momentary Convergence of Differently Paced Trajectories, a 12" EP containing remixes of one of Maurizio's album tracks, Fiium Shaarrk and Collocutor.