Repress japońskiej płyty z efektami dźwiękowymi dla didżejów ( dzieci na LSD!). Płyta „zagryzła” dzięki setowi Âme w Plastic People (R.I.P.), a samo wydanie opieką otoczył Daniel Wang. Dopasowane do 125BPM
REPRESS due to popular demand: 2020 Re Edition RB presents: Strada Sound Effects! That’s what you all have been waiting for: a record with nothing but sound tools. It pretty much does what it says: sirens, wind, water, ambience, and kids on LSD hysterically laughing. Isn’t that great? Speaking of those laughing kids. That’s what caught our attention during a warm and cozy Plastic People night with Âme’s Kristian. Blessed with an original copy of this record released via Kobe’s honorable Strada Records store, an email attempt in purchasing a copy ended up in a re-issue agreement as the initial run of approximately 300 copies was long lost and gone. On top of it, Kristian lost his in one of these nasty “airport baggage clerks DJ robbery” incidents. You can use it for intros, outros, mixes, tricks and the likes. Plus: Danny “The Dancer” Wang explains in his scientific and lyrical liner notes why YOU have to acquire this record in an 180g heavy plate edition with nice artwork as per usual. Limited, precious and strictly bound to wax. No downloads! Sorry, digi kids!