W kręgu DJa Harveya. Na warsztacie włoskie lata 70. Sprośny italo-numer z plagiatu „Czasu Apokalipsy” a potem uwielbiane breakbeatowe library z albumu „Feelings”, niedawno wznowionego na Dynamite Cuts.
Earlier in the year Gerry Rooney and Joel Martin donned the Velvet Season & The Hearts of Gold guise for the first time since 2018 for a typically off-kilter disco edit outing on Resista. Here they flex their scalpel skills once more, offering up revisions of two undeniably deep, sought-after cuts from the margins of the Italian disco spectrum. On side A they take their scalpel to Aldo Tomborelli's 1983 soundtrack number "Voices", a bubbly chunk of obscure horror movie Italo-disco rich in undulating, arpeggio style bass, weirdo vocals and trippy, saucer-eyed electronics. Over on the flip they travel further back in time to 1974 and Stefano Torossi's jostling jazz-funk gem "Having Fun", expertly extending it by flitting between the jammed-out, groove-based sections and the composer's swelling orchestration.