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![]() WIĘCEJ PLAY ALL Sergeant - 01 Seduced by Each and Every Shiny Object I Became an Infant in a Sea of Glance.mp3
Sergeant - 02 To What Human Product Precisely Are You Devoting So Much Ingenuity.mp3
Sergeant - 03 This Song Emanates From the Common Man Claiming His Right to Poetry.mp3
Sergeant - 04 Not Sensing the World, I Should Forget it’s Existence and Be Forgotten by Those Who Live in it.mp3
Sergeant - 05 This Life Can Not Be All They Swear, For How Unpleasant of it Were.mp3
Sergeant - 06 Soon The Tears in My Eyes Will Be Blinding and Blessing at the Same Time.mp3
Sergeant - 07 Bodies Pressed Against Small Platforms in Institutionally Resolved Postures.mp3
Sergeant - 08 I Will Allow Myself This World Whose Wear and Tear Is Without Cure.mp3
Sergeant - 09 The Annoying Got Interesting Because The Interesting Got Annoying.mp3
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