Matching Mole - 01 Starting In The Middle Of Day We Can Drink Our Politics Away.mp3
(Matching Mole's Little Red Record)
Matching Mole - 02 Marchides.mp3
(Matching Mole's Little Red Record)
Matching Mole - 03 Nan True's Hole.mp3
(Matching Mole's Little Red Record)
Matching Mole - 04 Righteous Rhumba.mp3
(Matching Mole's Little Red Record)
Matching Mole - 05 Brandy As In Benj.mp3
(Matching Mole's Little Red Record)
Matching Mole - 06 Gloria Bloom.mp3
(Matching Mole's Little Red Record)
Matching Mole - 07 God Song.mp3
(Matching Mole's Little Red Record)
Matching Mole - 08 Flora Fidgit.mp3
(Matching Mole's Little Red Record)
Matching Mole - 09 Smoke Signal.mp3
(Matching Mole's Little Red Record)
Grupa, którą założył Robert Wyatt w październiku 1971 po opuszczeniu Soft Machine. A "Mała czerwona płyta" to niesamowita, pełna przygód przejażdżka, ja Ci to powiadam