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![]() WIĘCEJ PLAY ALL Solange - 01 Rise.mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 02 Weary.mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 03 The Glory Is In You (interlude).mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 04 Cranes In The Sky.mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 05 Dad Was Mad (interlude).mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 06 Mad (feat Lil Wayne).mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 07 Don`t You Wait.mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 08 Tina Taught Me (interlude).mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 09 Don`t Touch My Hair (feat Sampha).mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 10 This Moment (interlude).mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 11 Where Do We Go.mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 12 For Us By Us (interlude).mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 13 FUBU (feat The Dream & BJ The Chicago Kid).mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 14 Borderline (An Ode To Self Care) (feat Q-Tip).mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 15 I Got So Much Magic, You Can Have It (feat Kelly Rowland & Nia Andrews - interlude).mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 16 Junie.mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 17 No Limits (interlude).mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 18 Don`t Wish Me Well.mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 19 Pedestals (interlude).mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 20 Scales (feat Kelela).mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
Solange - 21 Closing The Chosen Ones.mp3
(A Seat at the Table)
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