limited to 50, clear transparent shell
pro-duplicated at Tape Dub (Berlin)
graphics by Ola Procak
art direction by Mathias Chaboteaux
Succeeding the release of their debut ’Clairvoyance Is The Dance‘ series in 2023, London via Brussels via Warsaw record label Huveshta Rituals unleashes the second volume of its series, revealing the versatile sound of subterranean ancestry. The second volume, 'Clairvoyance Is The Dance II', builds upon the groundwork of earth-shaking rhythms from every corner of the globe - establishes the foundations for a planetary peace based on high-spirited soundscapes and enthralling oscillations.
Pristine transmissions from altered states of consciousness make up the 17 tracks on ‘Clairvoyance Is The Dance II’ compilation, all promptly linked together by the label's head honcho.
After 10 years of digging into the sound of tomorrow, Kreshik has decided to honor and praise his latest treasures. Among them, Le Pacifique's kingpin Aidons Antoine accompanied by the spellbinding voice of Antemi, Seoul-based cyber club rambler Yetsuby (half of South-Korean duo Salamanda), Bongo Joe's mainstay soFa Elsewhere alongside his almost naked buddy Ank, Meanjin-based soulful virtuoso Squidgenini with Thao, Gop Tun's life force Capetini, Hanoi-born now Montreal-based finest modular wizard Quan, VDS's spiritual hotshot DJ Himitsu, Polish braindance dweller Aheloy!, Brutaż's ambient techno production duo PLAN consisting of shjva and Stereometrix, 3024's affiliate Stacie-Anne Churchman, Warsaw-based deviant EBM shoplifter TRDR, Levant devoted activist BedouinDrone, Swiss sound naturalist Robin Félix, Abstrakce's Fourth World supergroup Mecánica Clásica, Medellín-based DJ and illustrator Julianna, Hanoi-based NTS Radio's broadcaster Lý Trang and Otto Topola's post-folk tribute to talking trees.
...A shadow never falls upon a wall without leaving a permanent trace – the umbra draws forth the visible through our forgotten wisdom. Lost in the sands of time, all of us... Chasing the movement blindly, our eyes encounter the rhythm of the unknown...
Design by Ola Procak
Mastered by Analogcut Mastering
Compiled by Mathias Chaboteaux
...Cień nigdy nie pada na ścianę nie pozostawiając trwałego śladu - umbra przywraca to, co widzialne w naszej zapomnianej mądrości. Wszyscy toniemy w piaskach czasu... Goniąc na oślep za ruchem, nasze oczy spotykają rytm nieznanego...