Informacje o produkcie

Lacuna And Parlor

Lacuna And Parlor
Label: Mondoj
Nr kat.: MONDOJ26CS
Format: MC+MP3
Kraj: PL
Wysyłka w 4 dni
Koszt od 9,90 zł
49.90 / 1szt.
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Pro-dubbed cassette with double DL code.

‘Lacuna and Parlor’ is anchored in the left-field chamber music and incidental recordings that have long accented more eaze’s roving sound. Composed with one ear pressed to the rich textures of instrumental recording environments, this is a resonant and tactile collection tinged in rephrased space and skewed time.

Taking the rudiments of tonal music theory as her conceptual base, more eaze formed the compositions around her own manipulations of these core principles. Simple chord progressions stretch over minutes rather than seconds, for example, while elsewhere specific tonal signifiers were deleted from harmonic progressions, altering the expectations of these tropes.

These and many other bespoke techniques underpin compositions that span Americana-inflected ambient ballads and jaunty string recitals. With wistful vocals, bursts of improvisatory noise, loose chatter and overdubbed room sounds flowing in and out of the mix, more eaze invites us to lounge and linger in these lacunate moments, at once heard, felt and imagined.

Composed, produced, and performed by mari maurice

Wendy Eisenberg: electric guitar (2)
Alice Gerlach: cello (1, 2)
Jade Guterman: acoustic guitar (1, 2)
Sarah Beth Tomberlin: voice (3)
Nick Zanca: organ (1, 2)

Mastered by Andrew Weathers
Photo by Sarah Beth Tomberlin
Text by Natalia Panzer
Artwork and layout by Paulina Ufnal & Janek Ufnal. 



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