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Second (2024 Repress)

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Second (2024 Repress)
Label: Byrd Out
Nr kat.: BYR041V
Format: LP
Kraj: PL
W magazynie
Wysyłka w 1 dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
94.90 / 1szt.
In stock
  • 01 Second.mp3
  • 02 Atlant.mp3
  • 03 We Used To Cry.mp3
  • 04 KTDT.mp3
  • 05 Vulnerabilities.mp3
  • 06 All Those Moments.mp3



Nowy materiał Siema Ziemia dla brytyjskiej wytwórni Byrd Out ( Andrew Weatherall, Sarmacja, Anatolian Weapons, Santaka, Evan Parker, Coma World, Binker Golding)!

Siema Ziemia to polski kwartet w składzie Andrzej Konieczny, Fryderyk Szulgit, Kacper Krupa (Skalpel Big Band) i Paweł Stachowiak (EABS, Błoto). Zespół jest znany z eksperymentowania z gatunkami, łącząc swobodną improwizację jazzową z breakbeatem, IDM i wpływami undergroundowych scen muzycznych. Zainspirowany efemerycznością i wrażliwością świata, w którym żyjemy, "Second" medytuje nad naszym związkiem z naturą i naszymi bliskimi poprzez kolektywne podejście do tworzenia muzyki, kładąc nacisk na improwizację i spontaniczność. 


Siema Ziemia hail from Poland and come together as an electronic-inspired quartet, which draws an energy from collective improvisation. Their music attempts to recreate highly organized structures of electronic music with acoustic instruments.

The band has a reputation for genre-defying experimentation, fusing free jazz improvisation with breakbeat, IDM, and influences from underground music scenes. Inspired by the ephemerality and vulnerability of the world we inhabit, ‘Second’ meditates on our connection to nature and our loved ones through a collective approach to music-making that emphasizes improvisation and spontaneity.

With its forward-thinking approach to composition and performance, ‘Second’ represents a continuation of Siema Ziemia's innovative approach to music.


'We Used To Cry' is the first single from Siema Ziemia's upcoming album, ‘Second’. It charts a new direction for the band, starting with beautiful phrasing, and by turns descending into madness, with a pulsating, propulsive beat and bass. Kacper Krupa on the saxophone hovers over the piece like Lord Sepulchrave in Mervyn Peake’s Gormenghast, becoming increasingly demented as the track progresses, before a calm descends.


MOJO Magazine: 4*.

"On first listen, you might conclude Siema Ziemia are an electronic band making querulous jazz fusions. Closer investigation finds the off-radar, all acoustic Polish outfit mastering their discreet craft above a buzzing hive of sax bees on Atlant, while making playful connections to nature on Get Exhausted With Me. Elsewhere 12 minute slow-release standout All Those Moments marries searching spirituality with distorted drones and dark ambience. A stunning return."

A Closer Listen: "The mutable nature of Siema Ziema’s music makes it appealing to multiple audiences. But their ability to emulate and imitate one genre through another makes them unique."

Truth and Lies Music: 8.5/10 "‘Second’ is a brave and uncompromising record for fearful times."

Jazzwise: "Today, the scope of Polish jazz is both broad and inclusive, embracing ambitious 'broad canvas' projects ... through to electronica and the post-Bugge Wesseltoft 'New Jazz' of Siema Ziemia's recent LP, Second."



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