Ostatnia, wydana pośmiertnie pozycja z katalogu Lorda Sabre'a. Najpierw gitarowo-dubowy psychodeliczny bujacz, a potem harmonijkowe dub techno, a gitara gra jakby kraftwerkowy motywem.
Andrew Weatherall turns in two thudding, low slung tracks. Expect clattering effects, outer space bleeps, and hypnotic bass. Andy Bell returns to join Andrew in the studio, layering a haunting, tripped-out guitar line over the top. File under cosmic dub. 1000 vinyl only. Remixes on the digital edition from Andrew’s Two Lone Swordsmen partner Keith Tenniswood, and Lithuanian taste-maker Manfredas. Mastered by Noel Summerville. Artwork by G.S-L Studio.