Olga Czech - Cracow based pianist and composer, former member of Drekoty & Omayu bands. Graduate of the Katowice Music Academy (Music Therapy & Rhythmics).
Her debut album WCZECHŚWIAT is an organic result of sound explorations somewhere between ambient, classical music, electronica and jazz. Sounds of floating around ethereal spaces of inward journeys - sleep patterns in which the edges lazily bleed into one another while maintaining their clarity.
“The album was created because I’ve learned how to use the computer to create music. I’ve then played and singed songs to it. Sounds came and flew through curiosity and by puzzling them together in the most natural way I had a lot of fun.”
Comes in a lovely case with artwork by Karolina Koryl, designed by Misia Sobieraj
released June 18, 2023
art by Karolina Koryl
mix/master by Bartosz Haładus
released by BAS