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Campfire Stories

Campfire Stories
Nr kat.: AAR019
Format: LP
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
69.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Puppeteer.mp3
  • 02 Sunshower.mp3
  • 03 Yarra Bend (with Badskin).mp3
  • 04 Forest From The Trees (with Sean La'Brooy).mp3
  • 05 The Beaten Track (with Oliver Paterson).mp3
  • 06 Unexpected.mp3
  • 07 Adam's Charm (with Adam Haliwell).mp3
  • 08 The Summit (with Ziggy Zeitgeist).mp3
  • 09 Fairground (with Thomas Gray & Ziggy Zeitgeist).mp3
  • 10 Campfire Stories (with Allysha Joy & Thomas Gray).mp3


Analogue Attic is back mid-March with the debut album from Alex Albrecht.
The ten-track project is entitled 'Campfire Stories' and features collaborations with label / production partner Sean La'Brooy, Allysha Joy (30/70), Thomas Gray and more.

Here Albrecht delivers his debut solo album which "explores dreams, the unconscious and the intertwining of feelings and memory.
Interspersed field recordings lend to the fragmented way people recall experiences. It is a narrative in which the listener is encouraged to attach their own thoughts and impressions to the soundscapes."

Since 2014, Alex Albrecht and Sean La'Brooy, better known as Albrecht La'Brooy, have released an array of material on Apollo Records, their own Analogue Attic Recordings and more, always leaning towards the deep, hypnotic and emotive side of House, Techno and Ambient.

The project was designed as a gapless album, intended to be listened from start to finish and welcomes a number of collaborations throughout with the likes of 30/70's Allysha Joy and Ziggy Zeitgeist (ZFEX), Thomas Gray, Carla Oliver (Badskin) as well as long-time musical partner and co-label head, Sean La'Brooy.



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