Pogodne ambientowo-beatowe atmosfery. Anielskie głosy, czasem połamany UK-beat, tribalowe momenty i sączące się drony. Muzyka zachodzącego słońca, w blasku którego rozpływamy się.
Since making his debut in the early 2010s, Berlin-based American Steve Huerta has delivered a string of rock solid, dancefloor-focused EPs. On debut album "Junipero", he's decided to mix things up, delivering a warm, woozy, atmospheric and picturesque set of tracks designed to ease tired minds in the comfort of the home. There's a few nods towards the dancefloor present - not least the toasty and dreamy breakbeat house cut "All Wild Things Are Shy" and bustling "Waxwing Air" - but for the most part the set settles in to a comfortably melodious and gently enveloping blend of blissful ambient, dub-flecked electronic soundscapes, spaced-out IDM and intergalactic electronica. It's a hugely enjoyable journey.