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Transition East

  • Oniryczne, podszyte maszynowym rytmem awangardowe klarnetowe numery. Pierwszy nagrany w południowym Chicago, a drugi, lżejszy, w Salvadorze, z udziałem brazylijskich muzyków

Transition East
Nr kat.: IMRC0032
Format: 7"
Styl: Jazz
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 9,90 zł
51.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Transition East.mp3
  • b1 No Space For Us.mp3


Oniryczne, podszyte maszynowym rytmem awangardowe klarnetowe numery. Pierwszy nagrany w południowym Chicago, a drugi, lżejszy, w Salvadorze, z udziałem brazylijskich muzyków.


Transition East features two new pieces of music created by Angel Bat Dawid in response to Emma Warren's 2019 book Make Some Space – i.e. the book that chronicles the history of London DIY music institution Total Refreshment Centre.

Angel Bat Dawid, who first met Emma Warren at Total Refreshment Centre in 2017, composed & recorded "Transition East" alone in her space on the Southside of Chicago, originally to be an accompaniment for the audiobook version of Make Some Space. Angel conceptualized & named “Transition East” in commemoration of the storied Chicago community center that was a hub for the AACM and icons from the Black Arts Movement in the 1960s, and was recently revived by one of her mentors, Eliel Sherman Storey. "No Space Fo Us" was composed & recorded at a space in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, where Angel travelled with a crew of Chicago artists (including IARC label mates Ben LaMar Gay & Damon Locks) on a collaborative mission called Close to There (Perto de Lá). The track features Angel with Ben LaMar Gay and new Brazilian friends Edbrass Brasil, Romulo Alexis, Tadeu Mascarenhas, Nancy Viégas & Germano Estacio.



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