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Electro Nation

  • Numery Thomasa P. Heckmanna z 1996. Acid-electro overload. Jest tu świetne 80sowe „The Spider”, do którego gibek się gibie, wygrzane „Freeze” i równie porobiony, zataczający się „Psycho Smurf”

Electro Nation
Nr kat.: AFU009R
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
59.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Machine Made.mp3
  • a2 The Spider.mp3
  • b1 Freeze.mp3
  • b2 Psycho Smurf.mp3

Numery Thomasa P. Heckmanna z 1996. Acid-electro overload. Jest tu świetne 80sowe „The Spider”, do którego gibek się gibie, wygrzane „Freeze” i równie porobiony, zataczający się „Psycho Smurf”.

Thomas P. Heckmann isn't short of aliases throughout his storied career, but Electro Nation is perhaps one of the most pertinent in these machine funk-loving times. Originally released and now reissued via the glorious AFU label (you'll have to look up the full title) back in 1996, these tracks sound like they could have been cooked up by a new-skool hopeful just last week. Full respect to Heckmann though, there's no faking the funk spilling out of tracks like "Machine Made" and "The Spider". Things take a more scuffed and experimental turn on "Freeze" (with a nod to Kraftwerk in the mix for good measure) and "Psycho Smurf" presents a slower, trippier take on acid electro to get your synapses wiggling as much as your booty.



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