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Trust (180g)

  • Roger Semsworth jak mało kto wpłynął na brzmienie współczesnego techno, a teraz, po serii eksperymentalnych online-wydań wraca do nieco 90sowego brzmienia, inspirowanego Surgeonem i Millsem

Trust (180g)
Label: Tresor
Nr kat.: TRESOR316
Format: 2LP+MP3
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
119.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Needle.mp3
  • 02 Glass.mp3
  • 03 Concrete.mp3
  • 04 Dust.mp3
  • 05 Leave.mp3
  • 06 Loop 1.mp3
  • 07 Loop 2.mp3
  • 08 Fence.mp3
  • 09 Peccant.mp3
  • 10 Trust.mp3

Roger Semsworth jak mało kto wpłynął na brzmienie współczesnego techno, a teraz, po serii eksperymentalnych online-wydań wraca do nieco 90sowego brzmienia, inspirowanego Surgeonem i Millsem.

Although he first appeared on Tresor back in 2011, "Trust" still marks Roger Semsroth AKA Sleeparchive's first full-length excursion for the legendary German imprint. More surprisingly, it's also his first album to appear on wax. It's a forthright, all-action affair with Semsroth peppering high-tempo, lo-fi techno beats with a variety of unsettling, creepy and mind-altering musical loops. This is fiendishly heavy club techno that takes no prisoners, though there's enough variety and melodic flashes to keep most listeners happy. Check for example the alien bleeps of deeper rub "Leave", the panicked and breathless industrial techno chase of "Fence" and the noisy, ear-pulverising insanity of "Concrete", a track that's as weighty and dense as its title suggests.



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