Odkrywa się nowe miejsce na muzycznej mapie. Tym razem 4 oblicza house'u z Ekwadoru. Nie ma tu Cejrowskiego, jest za to Cruz, który miał właśnie teraz (kwiecień) grać w Warszawie. Ale sprawdźcie B2!
Calypso is back with a new instalment of their world exploration in the search for new sounds. This time and with the help of Nicola Cruz they choose to showcase the city of Quito. In Nicola's own words: "From the highlands of the Equator, an eclectic sound develops in multiples forms: tension, gravity, drums...un-dusted elements from old records, retranslated to tape in order to revive the emotion. All the tracks in this compilation have been assembled through different experimental methods, as this is something that characterizes our creation around here. The work of FE, Quixosis, NTFL (from the city of Ibarra) and my self represent in this record some of the underground fields that this city offers". Indeed an experimental way to experience this city through the sounds of this 4 amazing producers.