Amsterdam archivalists Music From Memory dig up yet more gold from a byegone era, with this 12" squaring their focus on the Japanese synth poppers Dip In The Pool. The Japanese group comprising Miyako Koda and Tatsuji Kim first emerged in 1986 with Silence, its debut for venerable UK indie Rough Trade, and remain active today. The focus of MFM's attentions are the two East and West versions of "On Retinae" that bookend the act's 1989 LP Retinae which both feature the clarinet playing skills of Mariah bandleader Yasuaki Shimizu. As you might expect, the East version features Japanese vocals from Koda whilst the West has her singing in English; otherwise they are identical and a strong contender to close out any night of dancing. Cheers to Abel, Tako and Jamie for this one!