MY 2ND WIFE - Places EP (Otake 006) to efekt pracy Akme & Piotra Bejnara. "Places EP" zawiera 2 oryginalne utwory, zatytułowane "Circus Tent" i "Oak Stage" (Nazwy utworów pochodzą od scen festiwalowych, na których grali razem (Circus Tent / Audioriver Festival, Oak Stage / Summer Contrast) oraz 2 remiksy zaprzyjaźnionych artystów - Deasa i Boyd Schidt.
Otake 006 is the debut from the born new Polish project "My 2nd Wife". The album is called 'Places EP "and is authored by Piotr Bejnar (Otake Records owner) and Maciek Kochański (Akme). The tracks names are inspired by places where they played together. ''Circus Tent'' - their favorite scene for years on Audioriver Festival and ''Oak Stage'' - the main stage on Summer Contrast festival. There are also two remixes by the artists from: Krakow (DEAS) and Tbilisi (Boyd Schidt).