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Full Moon Edits Vol. 1

Full Moon Edits Vol. 1
Nr kat.: GOLEM9
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
49.90 / 1szt.
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  • a1 Standing On The Edge.mp3
  • b1 Up & Down.mp3
  • b2 Love To Hate.mp3


Three years after its' last outing, Les Edits Du Golem is back. This time round, they've turned to regular contributor Alexis Le-Tan, who offers up three slices of cosmic, off-kilter dancefloor lunacy under his occasional Alexis Le-Fan pseudonym. As the Full Moon Edits title suggests, these are howlin' cuts turned into left-of-centre dancefloor gold. He starts with the dense, World music-inspired disco oddness of "Standing On The Edge", which peppers an African-influenced drum groove with fuzzy guitars, Blondie-ish vocals and wild synthesizers. There's a more Balearic feel to the synthesized marimbas, baked chords and mid-'80s drum machine percussion of "Up & Down" (a version of an old Blancmange tune, we think), while stand-out "Love To Hate" is a trippy, exotic and hypnotic chunk of new wave-turned-proto house.



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