By the early 1990s, multidisciplinary thinker, philosopher and mystic Terrence McKenna had found himself to be one of the darlings of the burgeoning rave scene - going on to become one of the most sampled voices in dance music to this day. However, the very high point of Terrence McKenna’s intersection with dance music is undoubtedly Alien Dreamtime - taking place at a 48 hour rave in 1993 San Francisco, a multi-media collaboration of didgeridoo, live video mixing and the sublime, techno-ambient, sonic wizardry of the unimitable Jonah Sharp aka Spacetime Continuum laying the foundation for McKenna to whip the audience into a frenzy as he belts out his musings on eschatology and peering behind the linguistic curtain through the power of the psychedelic experience. For the very first time, the recording of this seminal event is being released on vinyl format to help you tune into the Gaian mind.