Italian disco DJ and producer Corrado Alunni shares his latest nu-disco soul nostrum, 'Make It Feel More', which, owing to the title, is an EP whose aim is to enliven the largely electronic and mechanistic bent of nu-disco with a good bit of live-recorded pizzazz. Such is heard on the title track, which moves naturally through both augmented and diminished electric piano cadences, not to mention slap basses, to be poised against the beats. Then 'Perfect Direction' brings the boughed basses and disco hits to a new layer of chill; with this, and the ensuing 'Keep Moving', it feels as if we've kept finding new rooms, in which new room contains a new type of hors d'oeuvre to try. 'The Beat Goes On' closes on a snappier and vinyl-driven vexation, perfect for the snakier kind of dancer.