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New Songs & Variations

New Songs & Variations
Label: Latency
Nr kat.: LTNC024
Format: 12"
W magazynie
Wysyłka w 1 dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
96.90 / 1szt.
In stock
  • 01 March-like, Wild (Moritz Von Oswald Variation).mp3
  • 02 Chrome.mp3
  • 03 Purple.mp3
  • 04 Foyer (Moritz Von Oswald Variation).mp3


Following the success of their first collaboration, the TLF Trio aka Danish cellist Caecilie Trier, pianist Jakob Littauer, and guitarist Mads Kristian Froslev now reunites with electronic legend Moritz von Oswald for their new album, Latency. This follow-up to Sweet Harmony delves deeper into chamber music with two new tracks blending acoustic and electronic elements. New Songs & Variations expands on the minimalist and narrative qualities of their debut and is enriched by the Basic Channel legend von Oswald who reinterprets two of TLF Trio's pieces and bridges classical and modern music. As such the record reflects a dynamic fusion of past and present. 



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