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Threat To Creation

  • Reedycja płyty z 1981, pierwotnie wydanej dla Cherry Red. Supergrupa: Adrian Sherwood za konsoletą, Bruce Smith (The Pop Group), Keith Levene (PIL), Ari Up (The Slits), George Oban, Eskimo Fox i Style Scott (African Head Charge) i Crucial Tony (CR)!!!

Threat To Creation
Nr kat.: LANR004
Format: LP
W magazynie
Wysyłka w 1 dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
134.90 / 1szt.
In stock
  • 01 Chemical Specialist.mp3
  • 02 Threat To Creation.mp3
  • 03 Eugenic Device.mp3
  • 04 Last Sane Dream.mp3
  • 05 Painstaker.mp3
  • 06 Earthwire Line.mp3
  • 07 Ethos Design.mp3
  • 08 Final Frontier.mp3


2024 Repress

Released on Cherry Red in 1981, Threat To Creation spotted the collaboration between two mystical entities: Creation Rebel and New Age Steppers. Forerunners of the british dub scene the two bands shared several members, a who’s who of the On U-Sound school and key figures of the Bristol and London scene. Adrian Sherwood is – obviously – the man behind the desk a craftsman on its own, a character with no borders and one of the most sought after producer of the time. The supergroup is ran by post-punk stalwarts Bruce Smith (The Pop Group) on drums and Keith Levene (PIL) on guitar. Ari Up of The Slits sits on piano and organ, while masters Crucial Tony is both on bass and guitars. Members of African Head Charge – bass player George Oban, Eskimo Fox and Style Scott on drums – are welcomed addition to the line-up. Threat To Creation is still recognizable as an album ahead of its time, a futuristic blend filling the gap between the Jamaican heritage, the so-called (post) industrial revolution and the studio witchery of the whitey man.





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