Special remarks:
2x12" vinyl in full colour cover
Genre: Techno, Detroit Techno, Deep Techno, Dub Techno
- reissue of legendary Convextion classics
- collectable full color cover-art by David A. Hardy
We're always keen for a full-length trip into the fantastic worlds of Gerard Hansen. As Convextion, he's mastered the art of sonic futurism charged with palpable human heart, eliciting the deepest emotional impact from his synths and strapping them to elegant, infectious electro and techno rhythms. That modus operandi continues beautifully on this new transmission for A.r.t.l.e.s.s., replete with vintage sci-fi artwork and four extended cuts stretched out over a side of vinyl each. All the better to sink into, not least on the subtly grooving, Plastikman-esquedepth charge 'Miranda'.