With this legendary LP, "Jazz Evening With Aura," whose first edition was released in February 1974, Electrecord inaugurates the series of reissues of essential albums in romanian music on vinyl, audio cassette, and CD formats. In the exact 50 years since its release, this album by Aura Urziceanu – accompanied, during the two afternoons of the recordings, by the Bucharest Septet, a group of formidable instrumentalists – has become an object of veneration for many generations of music enthusiasts in both Romania and abroad. "Jazz Evening with Aura" defines the local jazz sound of the mid '70s – intense, playful, tender, versatile, and accomplished – placed within a framework that the late Aurel Gherghel inspired called, in the text on the back cover of the 1974 LP, "a jazz of romanian inspiration and atmosphere."