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You're So Gangsta

You're So Gangsta
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Koszt od 16,99 zł
69.90 / 1szt.
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  • a1 b2 You're So Gangsta (Playgroup remix & instrumental).mp3


Turbo Recordings is proud to present our new sub-label Fabergé Records, a label dedicated to our own twisted breed of house music.

As electronic music continues to mutate and multiply, and Turbo grows in scope, we thought it was time to create an imprint that stayed true to our house roots. Fabergé will focus on our own personal style of house music: electro-disco, vocal tech-house and of course straight up funk. The only rule is the four/four beat... other than that, anything goes.

Look for our power-duo, synth-funk-masters Chromeo to launch the label, alongside music from Playgroup...


A1 You're So Gangsta (Playgroup Remix)
A2 You're So Gangsta (Original)
B1 Mercury Tears
B2 You're So Gangsta (Playgroup Instrumental)




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