A warm welcome back to Jimmy Wallace - whose recent outing as Wallace on Rhythm Section International was really rather good - and his quirky Tartan series. The series has long been hard to pigeonhole, with Wallace (we think - there's no credited artist) delivering nostalgic cuts that sit somewhere between unlikely re-edits and sample-heavy re-makes. A-side 'Ayo' begins in sleazy fashion via a throbbing, dark Italo-goes-EBM groove, before Wallace introduces a colossal piano riff, more angular electronic motifs, grandiose Fairlight style stabs and some ear-catching sampled vocal snippets. Over on the flip, 'Shoes Off' could reasonably described as 'Balearic Bhangra': a loved-up and heavily electronic workout the brilliantly blurs the boundaries between late 80s Indian pop music and vintage house.