This is the 30th anniversary CD reissue of an amazing and all-encompassing album by American composer and sound artist David Dunn, highlighting two extremes of communication: the supernatural, celestial names of angels; and the natural, subaquatic world of pond insects. EM Records is currently researching the rather unexplored domains of what can be called cyber-occult music, with an emphasis on the hidden, the enigmatic, the arcane; this release can be located at a distant edge of this area of interest, in its use of technology to give us access to previously unheard communicative phenomena. Dunn’s interest in the broad contexts of communication finds links between macro and micro, heavenly and earthly, music and environmental sound. Dunn sees these pieces as a human effort to respect and perhaps comprehend the non-human universe. The angels of the title are based on Renaissance attempts, by occultists John Dee and Edward Kelly, to communicate with angelic beings. The insects are aquatic creatures, recorded with hydrophones in North American and African ponds.
This special edition of “Angels and Insects” features the insightful original English liner notes and a Japanese translation, with new cover art.