Cosmic Simmering is a very personal new album of unreleased material from Chris Gray on Saft. The 13 track album has been composed of previously lost archives, restored DAT tapes and old CDs and it plots the musical evolution of one of house mysic's most underrated artists.
Work on this album started in March 2020 when Chris started digging around in his archives. Some of what he found was sketched in the late 80s, while other tracks were written a few months after Chris moved to Chicago and was living in his uncle's south side attic in early 1993. There are also some cuts from 1995 onwards which have been salvaged from deteriorating DAT tapes after a friend of CHris fixed his player. There is also a selection of early 2000s deep4life material taken from 20-year-old backups on cheap CDs, all brought back to life for this record.
Cosmic Simmering is a beautifully widescreen album that works equally on mind, body and spirit.