/ Divine Who - a1 He Is.mp3 (Altared Disco EP)
/ Divine Who - a2 Glory.mp3 (Altared Disco EP)
/ Divine Who - b1 Reap What You Sow.mp3 (Altared Disco EP)
/ Divine Who - b2 Holy Ghost.mp3 (Altared Disco EP)
a1 He Is.mp3 / Divine Who - a1 He Is.mp3
(Altared Disco EP)
a2 Glory.mp3 / Divine Who - a2 Glory.mp3
(Altared Disco EP)
b2 Holy Ghost.mp3 / Divine Who - b2 Holy Ghost.mp3
(Altared Disco EP)
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Altared Disco EP
Nr kat. DIVINE001
Deliverance of the divinest order. Gospel at its greatest, reworked for the dancefloor for maximum jubilation, whenever wherever these spiritual sermons are laid down.