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A1 How's That
Producer – Arca
Written-By – Arca, Twigs

A2 Papi Pacify
Written-By, Producer – Arca, Twigs

B1 Water Me
Producer [Vocal Production] – Arca, Liam Howe
Written-By, Producer – Arca, Twigs

B2 Ultraviolet
Producer – Arca
Producer [Vocal Production] – Arca, Liam Howe
Written-By – Arca, Twigs


Given the critical reception rightly afforded to Tahliah Barnett's superb debut album as FKA Twigs, it makes perfect sense for Young Turks to rustle up a swift reissue of FKA Twigs, the four track 12" that announced her to the pop music world last year. This EP was the first instance of Barnett's ethereal vocals weaved in amidst production work from Arca that was at times floating, others crushingly pressurised. Naturally the effects of the music are heightened when combined with Jesse Kanda's mind bending videos ("Water Me" especially) but late comers to the magic of Twigs will be all over this. Do check "Papi Pacify" as Arca is on some "Cry Me A River" era Timbalaand tip.






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To pole jest wymagane do złożenia zamówienia.
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