His adoring but party-focused audience may not always realise it, but Jeff Mills - the Detroit raised, Berlin-based techno icon - never programs a kick drum or hi-hat without some serious thought being put behind it. 'Extension' is apparently the latest in a series that started with 'Growth' in 1994 and continued with 2004 with 'Expanded', under the same concept, namely an attempt to "bring forth the notion that the Future could provide more than what we are doing now." The three tracks begin with the fizzing, watery ambience of 'Rise', kick drums present but somewhat muted, before 'The Storyteller' provides a more traditional 4/4 framework for some genuinely out of this world effects. 'Entanglement' clocks in somewhere between the other two, bubbling away beatlessly, then eased along by ride cymbals until finally a pulsing kick enters the fray over what sound like bleepy Morse code signals being beamed to other planets. More atmospheric than simply downright banging, this is Jeff Mills at his most original.