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Strumenti Musicali Della Preistoria: Il Paleolitico

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Strumenti Musicali Della Preistoria: Il Paleolitico
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Koszt od 9,90 zł
74.90 / 1szt.
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  • 01 La Danza Delle Foglie (The Dance Of Leaves).mp3
  • 02 Flauti (Flautes).mp3
  • 03 Osso D’Aquila Per La Danza Degli Spettri (Eagle Bone For The Ghost Dance).mp3
  • 04 Rombi Volanti (Flying Rhombs).mp3
  • 05 Il Corno, La Tartaruga, L’arco E La Selce (The Horn, The Tortoise, The Bow & The Flintstone).mp3
  • 06 Le Pietre Sonore Della Caverna (Sonorous Stones In The Cave).mp3
  • 07 Le Pietre Del Fiume (River Stones).mp3
  • 08 I Semi Vegetali Voci Della Jungla (Vegetable Seeds Jungle Voices).mp3
  • 09 Lo Spirito Della Palude (The Spirit Of The Marshed).mp3
  • 10 Il Linguaggio Del Mare (Sea Language).mp3
  • 11 Reperti Amazzonici (Amazonian Finds).mp3


Art Of Primitive Sound is a sensational journey to the origin of Music. In his crucial research chapter on the Paleolithic, Walter Maioli between 1986 and 1991 investigates the soundscape of different geographical, climatic and botanical environments, in which the mystery of the ancient human-nature relationship resides. What emerges is an expanded and unprecedented Paleorganology, with a range of acoustic and natural instruments from all over the World. Rubbing of fossils, animal artefacts, plant elements of all sorts, everything becomes sound and each object opens up forms of imaginary communication, psychic effect and unexplored languages. Whistles, flutes, leaf and shell rattles, rhombuses, horns, bone pipes, slate slabs, bamboo arches, stones, vertebrae, seeds, stalagtites great can be the Natural Orchestra inherent in the spirit of forests, rivers, caves, seas, swamps or Amazon jungles? Thanks to an interdisciplinary partnership (Anthropology, Archaeology, Botany, Ethnomusicology) of collaborating friends, Maioli directs an Opera of universal character inspired by the archaic essence of sound and infrasonic dimension.





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