"Old Friends New Friends" to nowe, niecodzienne wydawnictwo uznanego kompozytora i producenta, Nilsa Frahma. Zestaw wypełniły 23 solowe, fortepianowe utwory, które zostały nagrane między 2009 a 2021 rokiem, a z jakiegoś powodu nie trafiły na poprzednie płyty artysty. Jak zapewnia Frahm, nie jest to ani typowa, regularna, nowa płyta, ani też klasyczna kompilacja. - Może to po prostu album, nad którym pracowałem od 12 lat i w końcu zebrałem wystarczającą ilość materiału? - mówi pianista.
Trying to keep up with Nils Frahm's discography is nothing short of dizzying. We struggle to think of anyone who can put out so many long form albums without letting the quality suffer a little, yet the German composer seems to be incapable of doing anything other than the finest quality work, laying claim to a back catalogue of piano tracks which can be sad, reflective, poignant, innovative, captivating, or euphoric, and always impossible to forget.
He's done so much, in fact, that he's still unearthing parts of his oeuvre people haven't really heard before. As is the case here. Old New Friends is as fitting a title as they get, with everything here first recorded between 2009 and this year, representing what the artist describes as "an anatomy of all my ways of thinking musically and playing." Simply put, if you like even just a little of what you've heard before, this is essential.