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„Ma Fleur” to najbardziej skupiona i wysmakowana pozycja w dorobku grupy. Splata w sobie elementy jazzu, muzyki filmowej ale też piękno wypieszczonej brzmieniowo, wysublimowanej piosenki pop. Bardzo dużo melancholijnych partii smyczkowych, soundtrackowych brzmień. Cudowne partie pianina i spora dawka dżwięków gitary. No i fantastyczni wokaliści: Fontella Bass, Patrick Watson, Lou Rhodes.
It's certainly true that Ma Fleur represented a pivotal moment for The Cinematics. The outfit came to fruition, or at least hit the common conscience, in the haze of late-1990s post-trip-hop comedowns, a time when we were all still going harder, faster and stronger in clubs but wanted something cosy and velveteen on the after party hifi at 10AM rather than ketamine techno. Far more innocent times to say the least.
This 2007 record broke from the well established mould of the troupe, though, landing five years after its predecessor (Every Day) and opting for a more direct approach to loveliness. A kind of grab you by the throat and make you feel nice type remit that leaves the subtleties of the past behind in favour of more traditional big room, show stopping song craft.