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Spiral (Gatefold)

Spiral (Gatefold)
Nr kat.: OLE1737LP
Format: 2LP
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
119.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Narrow Road.mp3
  • 02 The Limit.mp3
  • 03 The Question Is To See It All.mp3
  • 04 Lawmaker.mp3
  • 05 I'm The Echo.mp3
  • 06 Spiral.mp3
  • 07 Liberty Bell.mp3
  • 08 Inside Is Out There.mp3
  • 09 Only Young.mp3
  • 10 Ecdysis!.mp3


In recent years we've had some exceptional examples of what you might call "narco rock 'n' roll". The sort of records that sound excellent when you're high, but seem to lose some of their potency - or relevance - when you're listing through headphones at your desk in the middle of a working day. Darkside's latest is, unsurprisingly, very much of the 'baked goods' ilk, but there's a delightfully pop-friendly element at play here that means you can get a lot out of the experience without having to have your own induced experience.

Musically it's actually relatively conservative stuff, considering the artists involved. Nicolas Jaar is a bonafide electronic visionary who has been pushing boundaries for well over a decade, while Dave Harrington is one of the most forward thinking multi-instrumentalists you'll ever hear. Together, though, they create a space that's strange but also familiar, like rediscovering forgotten albums from the early-1970s psyche heyday.



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