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Untitled (Rise)

  • Bandcampowy hit! I choć niewiele wiemy o kolektywie muzyków, ukrywających się pod nazwą Sault, to uwielbiamy ich fuzję funku, soulu, jazzu i hip hopu. Esencja czarnej muzyki na podwójnym albumie. Sztos!

Untitled (Rise)
Nr kat.: FLO0006LP
Format: 2LP
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
209.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Strong.mp3
  • 02 Fearless.mp3
  • 03 Rise.mp3
  • 04 I Just Want To Dance.mp3
  • 05 Street Fighter.mp3
  • 06 Son Shine.mp3
  • 07 Rise Intently.mp3
  • 08 The Beginning & The End.mp3
  • 09 Free.mp3
  • 10 You Know It Ain't.mp3
  • 11 Uncomfortable.mp3
  • 12 No Black Violins In London.mp3
  • 13 Scary Times.mp3
  • 14 The Black & Gold.mp3
  • 15 Little Boy.mp3


Very little is known about the collective of musicians behind the SAULT project, but their music in many ways speaks for itself. Earlier in the year they delivered Untitled (Black Is), a heartfelt, angry and righteous set of soul, funk, drill and spoken word tracks that provided a brilliant commentary on what it means to be black in 2020. It's a contender for album of the year, for sure, and the good news is that this speedy follow-up is every bit as essential. It's undoubtedly more celebratory than its predecessor, but every bit as musically detailed, combining cutting-edge electronics and all manner of infectious rhythms with enlightening vocals and all manner of live jazz, soul, punk-funk and jazz-funk instrumentation (as well as some seriously evocative orchestration).



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