Informacje o produkcie

Dou Van Jou

Dou Van Jou
Label: Stima
Nr kat.: STIMA001
Format: LP+MP3
Produkt na zamówienie
Wysyłka w 23 dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
94.90 / 1szt.
In stock
  • 01 Misik A Moun A Kaz.mp3
  • 02 Tambou La & Ti Bois La.mp3
  • 03 La Nou Te Ye.mp3
  • 04 Dou Van Jou.mp3
  • 05 Misik A Moun A Kaz (Baerlz remix).mp3
  • 06 Kimbe.mp3


Dou Van Jou is one of, thankfully, an endless list of rare and mysterious records that needs to be heard. The Guadeloupean-Parisian artist and cultural activist behind it, Jimmy Blanche, combines heritage and futurism across its six tracks of jazz piano, afro drums and disco chords, too of which are the most spiritual singles off the full length itself. It's quite the weird and wonderful melange of sounds and some of the cuts even reached cult status at the time of release in 1987. World music maestro and Rush Hour founder Antal has been known to drop some of these before now, which proves they work as well at home as they do on a modern dancefloor.



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Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe.

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