Na obrzeżach serii „Artificial Intelligence”. Rozmarzone, subtelne techno znane ze słynnego miksu Andy'ego Weatheralla. Sprawdźcie też szybszy, angażujący motyw na B2, trochę w stylu Derricka Maya!
You can either argue that tunes from 1994 still sound fantastic because we've not actually come that far in terms of electronic music innovation, even if production capabilities have dramatically improved. Or, you could simply accept the fact that tunes from 1994 still sound fantastic because they were ahead of their time and built from such special stuff they were destined to stand the test of time. We prefer the second reading. And no matter what you think, it's impossible not to recognise just how good 'The Mercury EP' was, and still is. 26 years on, the lush ambience and laidback, bumbling lows of 'Mercury' are pure bliss, and 'OWG''s acidic techno-trance propulsion is an epic 6AM closer the likes of which can easily bring crowds to their knees.