Odnalezione przypadkiem digi-roots reggae ze wschodniej Nigerii! Dotychczas tylko na testpressach. Sprawdźcie wystrzałowe, ale i polityczne „Walking In The Rain...” i subtelny syntezator w „Reggae DJ”.
Eight Unreleased Digital Roots tracks made in Nigeria in the late 80s, never released or pressed, if not on a couple of test presses made on recycled plastic. Now Ready to be spreaded worldwide!
Label says: "It's been a long journey from the day in Nigeria when we found, inside an Alpha Kuffa - Messiah I sleeve, a blank test press of the Yangaman Bob Lp with a little Top Rank sticker on it to the day we met the producer, the great and brilliant George Dureke, who gave us the test presses of the remaining unreleased albums from his Top Rank label, till to the complicated audio Restoration handled by Colin Young and Bassi Maestro. After two years of hard and intensive work it's finally arrived the time for this compilation to be ready and see the light!"