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Because I Got It Like That / I'll House You (Record Store Day 2020)

  • 2 największe hity założycieli Native Tongues. Najpierw hit na samplu ze Sly & the Family Stone, a potem pierwszy rap-house'owy crossover spoza Chicago, który zmienił historię hip-hopu

Because I Got It Like That / I'll House You  (Record Store Day 2020)
Label: Idlers
Nr kat.: 7WAR016P
Format: 7"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 9,90 zł
69.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Because I Got It Like That.mp3
  • b1 I'll House You.mp3

2 największe hity założycieli Native Tongues. Najpierw hit na samplu ze Sly & the Family Stone, a potem pierwszy rap-house'owy crossover spoza Chicago, który zmienił historię hip-hopu.

Here's something for those looking to fill in the gaps in their classic hip-hop collection: a sizzling seven-inch boasting two of the Jungle Brothers hottest hits. On the A-side you'll find "Because I Got It Like That", a lolloping party hip-hop jam built around an assortment of complimentary samples, most notably a lift from Sly and the Family Stone's killer cut "You Can Make It If You Try". Over on the flip you'll find one of the most recognizable dance anthems of the late '80s, the early hip-house classic that is "I'll House You". Based on Todd Terry's similarly big "Can You Party", the tune is a warehouse-ready bounce-along that sounds as fresh now as it did way back in 1988.



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