Wielowarstwowa, aromatyzowana amen-brejkami psychodelia berlińsko-moskiewskiej supergrupy. A w niej Exael, Huerco S., Oleg Buyanov, Perila, Special Guest DJ i Vtgnike. Od Confused House po Gost Zvuk.
D. Tiffany's xpq? is rightly regarded as fertile breeding ground for electronic experimentations and Critical Amnesia's self-titled ode to weird and wonderful noises is certainly no exception. At times frantic, in other moments deeply atmospheric, it's hard to say whether it's primarily made with dancefloors or headphones in mind, the chaotic rhythms that lock you in only fully evident at heightened volume, but the bigger picture really becoming clear in less intense listening situations. '0Dsn2' represents the smoked out end of the spectrum, with its laidback broken beats and fizzing distortion. '0Sns.b1' offers full body contortion-worthy EBM pleasures, and '0Dsn1' brings more than a hint of amen rave to the table. Intelligent and wildly adventurous, nevertheless it's also built in such a way that delivers the simple satisfaction of 'proper' dance music.