3 wersje numerów krnąbrnego new'ageowego duetu. Wpierw dub-wersja utalentowanego Australijczyka z Neubau, potem house od członka New World Science i wodny puls okraszony fletem od szefa labelu.
Versatile presents a series of remixes of tracks from Head Voices, the late long format from Ariel Kalma & Gilbert Cohen: through dub manipulations, downtempo lazy atmospheres or electronic profusion of bleeps and kicks, each one opens a new interpretation of this crossover project. On A Side, Australian producer Leo James turned indeed « De Luscious » into an epic 12 minutes monster dub version, in the vein of Moritz von Oswald & Mark Ernestus’ Rhythm & Sound. On The flip, Canadian producer Priori who recently released the great On A Nimbus, gives here a deeper and minimal interpretation of « Tu Ne Peux Pas Savoir ». Finally, Versatile’s boss Gilb’R remixes an exclusive version of « Tribu Sauvage », previously only released on digital.