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Soul Is My Salvation: Chapter Five

  • Serii poświęcona gospelowi, który chce być disco i muzyce klubowej, która szuka Boga. Tu najpierw soulowe poradnictwo z Georgii, a potem szybki funk z New Jersey, oba numery to „siódemkowe” rzadkości

Soul Is My Salvation: Chapter Five
Nr kat.: RSRSIMS005
Format: 7"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 9,90 zł
64.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Fay Hill - I Know Who You Should See.mp3
  • b1 Peaches Mann - Get In Rhythm With God's Love.mp3

Serii poświęcona gospelowi, który chce być disco i muzyce klubowej, która szuka Boga. Tu najpierw soulowe poradnictwo z Georgii, a potem szybki funk z New Jersey, oba numery to „siódemkowe” rzadkości.

By now, you should be familiar with the "Soul Is My Salvation" seven-inch series, which sees gospel-loving DJ Tone B Nimble showcase some of his favourite gospel-soul, gospel disco and gospel boogie gems. This fifth 45 in the series is just as essential as its predecessors. On side A you'll find Fay Hill's 1981 single "I Know Who You Should See", a languid, jazz-funk era shuffle through glassy-eyed gospel soul pastures blessed with one of the most addictive choruses we've heard this year. Over on the flip there's a chance to enjoy Peaches Mann's synth-heavy, ultra-soulful gospel boogie number "Get In Rhythm With God's Love", a more upbeat affair whose many highlights include killer slap-bass, D-Train style synth solos and an infectious rhythm.



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