Półmroczny, ale sprężysty minimal od rezydenta Club Midi w stolicy Transylwanii. Pocięte, wytłumione głosi pady, wykręce clapy i tomy. Ciekawe trance'owe B2 w nieco innym od reszty stylu.
An imprint devoted to minimal sounds, UK-based Afterhours is off to a great start with this three tracker by Cluj Napoca-based RQZ. The Club Midi and Mioritmic resident retains his sonic stride, after promising forays into production recently heard on Unic, KS & Friends and Modeight. Woozy and knackered grooves abound on "Sublevels": from the understated paranoia of the title cut, much in the tradition of local hero Mihigh which is perfect for Sunday morning weirdness. On the flip, he picks up the pace with the groovy dub-laden roller "Bleep Dialog" which is aimed squarely at the main room, while functional tool "Phobos" closes out this fine EP with its entrancing polyrhythmic action.