Uduchowiony beatdownowy house i funk na „żywe” instrumenty i syntezatory. Gościnnie znany z labelu Theo Parrisha Andrew Ashong. Wyróżniają się pulsująco-kosmiczne „Home Time” i electro w „Deep Space”.
Simeon Jones and Nathanael Williams impressed with their 2017 debut on Breaker Breaker, so hopes are high for their first full-length excursion on Rhythm Section International. There's a loose concept behind it - it was inspired by the idea that "all black people are from Mars" - but this only seems to exist as an excuse for the pair to utilize spacey analogue synths, nods towards 1970s space funk and an overall afro-futurist flex that draws together a variety of interconnected styles (think spacey hip-hop, jazz-funk, organic deep house and far-sighted electronica). It's a quietly Impressive set all told, with the pair making great use of a string of high-profile (and hugely talented) guest performers, including sticks-man Yussef Dayes, Andrew Ashong and Yazmin Lacey.